AI web expert profile of the week: Chris Coyier
This is a “just for fun” series in which I’m asking OpenAI’s ChatGPT for 10 quotes from famous web experts. The content of the quotes may be wrong - in fact, assume they are entirely bogus (if you reshare include a similar notice). What’s real is respect and love for everyone of these experts. Thank you for your work in web design and development.
Chris Coyier is a web designer and developer, known for his work on CSS-Tricks and CodePen. Here are some notable quotes attributed to him:
"The famous quote from Steve Jobs goes, 'Good artists copy, great artists steal.' But less quoted is the follow-up: 'We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.'"
"You don't have to be a great artist to be a great designer, but you do have to be a great artist to be a great artist."
"The 'good code' is the stuff you learn from. The 'bad code' is the stuff you write to learn."
"The difference between a tolerable programmer and a great programmer is not how many programming languages they know, and it's not whether they prefer Python or Java. It's whether they can communicate their ideas."
"The biggest bottleneck to writing CSS is not the lack of knowledge about the properties and values—it's the lack of ability to visualize and decide the design."
"Do not copy and paste code without understanding what it does. Don't just read code; study it."
"The web is not a final destination. It's a journey, and the journey is the web."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
"Every website is a web app. Every web app is a website. No one cares. Everyone cares."
"You can write JavaScript without understanding the DOM. You can write CSS without understanding specificity. But you cannot write HTML without understanding how elements inherit styles."
Please note that these quotes are attributed to Chris Coyier based on available sources and may vary in accuracy.